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Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2025)


In Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2025), the beloved inventor Wallace and his loyal dog Gromit find themselves embroiled in a thrilling adventure that begins with the discovery of a mysterious bird-themed villain. When a series of bizarre incidents occur in the peaceful town of Wigan, Wallace’s latest invention—a high-tech, automated egg-collecting machine—becomes the target of a strange avian mastermind with a deep grudge against the pair. The villain, a disgruntled former pet bird named Sir Beakford, seeks revenge on Wallace for accidentally dismantling his prized aviary years ago.

As the sinister bird’s plot to take over the local poultry farm intensifies, Wallace and Gromit must use their ingenuity and teamwork to uncover the bird’s twisted plans. With the help of their friends, including a surprisingly resourceful flock of farmyard animals, they hatch a daring plan to stop Sir Beakford before his vengeance turns the whole town into a giant birdcage.

The film blends typical Wallace and Gromit charm with high-stakes action, humorous misunderstandings, and heartwarming moments between the quirky inventor and his ever-loyal canine companion. As always, Gromit takes the lead when it comes to saving the day, while Wallace’s good intentions frequently lead to unexpected, comedic results.

In the end, the pair learn a valuable lesson about forgiveness and friendship, proving that sometimes the smallest of creatures can hold the most power when it comes to righting wrongs.

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