1337x is a torrent search platform that provides access to a wide range of digital content, including movies, TV shows, games, music, and software. However, before using our site, it’s important to understand our position regarding content distribution and legal responsibilities.
No Hosted Content
1337x does not host or store any files on its servers. We act solely as an indexer that collects and organizes torrent links from various publicly available sources. All torrents found on our platform are provided by third-party sites, and we do not claim ownership over any of the content.
User Responsibility
By using 1337x, you acknowledge that downloading or sharing copyrighted material may be illegal in your country. We strongly advise all users to comply with local copyright laws and only download content that is legally permitted. 1337x is not responsible for how users choose to utilize the torrents available on our site.
DMCA & Copyright Issues
If you are a copyright owner and believe that a specific torrent violates your rights, we encourage you to contact the original hosting site. Since 1337x does not host any content, we are unable to remove files directly. However, if you have concerns about a particular listing, you can report it, and we will review the issue accordingly.
No Guarantees on Accuracy
While we strive to maintain an updated and well-organized collection of torrents, 1337x does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or legality of any content indexed on our platform. Users should exercise caution and verify sources before downloading any files.
Use at Your Own Risk
By accessing 1337x, you agree to use the site at your own risk. We are not liable for any potential damages, data loss, security threats, or legal consequences resulting from the use of third-party torrents. Always use a VPN and proper security measures when browsing or downloading.