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Flight Risk (2025)


Flight Risk (2025) is a gripping thriller directed by Mel Gibson, set against the vast, unforgiving Alaskan wilderness. The plot centers on Daryl Booth (Mark Wahlberg), a pilot escorting Air Marshal Madolyn Harris (Michelle Dockery) and fugitive Winston (Topher Grace) to a trial. As the plane travels through remote territory, trust between the characters erodes, and suspicions mount. The tension escalates, transforming what was supposed to be a simple transport into a high-stakes battle of survival and deception.

With its taut 91-minute runtime, Flight Risk immerses viewers in a claustrophobic atmosphere reminiscent of a tense chamber piece. However, the film’s pacing and dialogue occasionally undercut the tension. While Wahlberg’s performance injects some much-needed energy, the script’s clunky lines and missed opportunities for character chemistry weaken the overall experience. Despite these flaws, the film offers moments of intensity and unexpected twists, including a bizarre climax that adds a touch of surreal humor to the otherwise suspenseful narrative.​

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